Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Happy 33rd Anniversary!

We've come a long way baby!
Russ, when you proposed marriage, you promised me an adventurous life and it has exceeded my wildest imagination. Thank you for sharing our hopes and making my dreams come true.


Sher Bear said...

Sher Bear, I can never start to keep up with your never ending desire to not only keep in touch with all those you love and who love you, put your unflinching love and devotion to your family and your best friend. We have had an amazing adventure worthy of any mega motion picture, but the most important aspect of the adventure is that I was privleged to go through it with you. I love now more than 33 years ago. Thank you for all you have given me (four wonderful children) and the support that I probably don't deserve. Thanks Sweetheart, I love you dearly. Russ

Brittany Simmons said...

What an adorable couple and an example to us all of a fun and loving marriage!!

Kathy said...

Happy anniversary!

go boo boo said...

Happy Anniversary! What a fantastic pair. You have both created such a fun, beautiful family. Congratulations!

ashley schmutz said...

happy anniversary! HAHA! That picture of you and russ back in the day is AMAZING!

callie said...

awww. we love you bills! i need to show this to stephen...this is treasure!

susanstayner said...

Late Congratulations! Wow--33 years, and I remember being at your wedding! I also loved Russ' comments. You are an exemplary team, that is for sure. We applaud your grand adventure!